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Dr. Adalat Hasanov

Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (ASUOI)

Dr. Adalat Hasanov is head of the scientific laboratory at the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (ASUOI). This field of scientific interests is connected with the study of a set of physical properties of oil-containing rocks at the origin conditions, the creation of a database on petrophysical properties, and the creation of  3D petrophysical images for different spheres of earth depth. Currently laboratory staff are focused on the project 'Creating a unified database of well logs studying of oil and gas deposits in Azerbaijan'. This project is included in the laboratory work plan and covers such areas as:

  • detailed geological and hydrodynamic modeling;

  • development of optimal extraction technologies for managing existing oil and gas deposits;

  • best design profitability and cost reductions in oil and gas deposits processing.


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