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Session 9: 'EYR@EAP 


THURSDAY 18 - 11:30 - 12:30



Session Chair:
Mary Hester (SURFnet)

slides (pdf)

To help further promote the benefits of international-scale networking to researchers, EaPConnect collaborates with leading partners to create an exciting opportunity for EaP research communities.

The EYR@EaP organising committee consists of a number of partners from the European NREN community.

This brand new edition of the Enlighten Your Research (EYR) programme invites researchers and their collaborators to submit proposals that highlight how access to advanced networks, technologies and compute would significantly improve their research and discovery process.

In the EYR Award Ceremony, the grants of this year's  EYR@EaP programme will be awarded to their beneficiaries. Afterwards, the beneficiaries will share their proposals in 5-minute presentations to the audience.


  • Adalat Hasanov “Creating A Unified Database Of Well Logs Studying Of Oil And Gas Deposits In Azerbaijan”

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