Session chair:
Irina Mikhailava (GÉANT)
Presenter: Daniela Pöhn (UniBW)
slides (pdf)
This workshop is an opportunity for an open discussion about different areas of cybersecurity, like access control, mobile security, infrastructure security and intrusion detection, depending on the needs of the participants. The workshop will be interesting for anyone who wants to improve cybersecurity and gain information and best practices from other participants.
Clouds and IaaS
Presenters: Maria Ristkok (EENet of HITSA; slides (pdf)), Jiří Navrátil (CESNET; slides1 slides2 (pdf)), Darko Paric (CARNET; slides (pdf))
This workshop will introduce cloud technology in general, the GÉANT Framework on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), roles of National Research and Educations Networks (NRENS), cloud architects and users. The workshop will be interesting for anybody who would like to improve their knowledge about cloud technology. The format of the workshop is a mixture of presentations and discussion.
NREN Services (GTS and more)
Presenters: Anatol Goncearuc (RENAM; slides (pdf)), Valentin Pocotilenco (RENAM; slides (pdf)), Alexandru Cacean (RENAM; slides (pdf)), Michail Matenco (RENAM; slides (pdf)), Victoria Tcacenco (Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, Moldova), Nicolai Iliuha (RENAM; slides (pdf))
This workshop is about the experience of developing and implementing NREN services such as eduGAIN, eduroam, GTS, Cloud, LoLa , DICOM network. The workshop will be interesting for researchers, official governmental representatives, students, administrators of institutes, stakeholders, scientists, medical organisation representatives, public institution representatives and resource providers. The format is a mixture of presentations, demonstrations and questions.
Messaging application as point of entry for Federated Services. Valentin Pocotilenco, RENAM
Implementation of Eduroam in RENAM. Alexandru Cacean, RENAM
DICOM Network - as a service. Integration of Medical image services in RENAM. Michail Matsenko, RENAM
New technologies prospects in arts education of the Republic of Moldova . Victoria Tcacenco, Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, Moldova
GEANT testbed service (GTS) for R&E community. Nicolae Iliuha, RENAM