Session 2 "Environment"
Session Chair
Vugar Musayev (AzScienceNet)
Earth & Environment: Examples from a national centre for geoscientific research in Europe
Presenter: Dr. Andreas Küppers, GFZ, Germany

Geoscientific research in Europe has an enormous potential to contribute not only to the advancement of scientific knowledge but also to fostering economic and governance processes. Hence we find essential tools to meet the societal challenges on the way to secure, resilient and wealthy societies. Our future can only be secured by those who understand the System Earth and its interactions with Man. It is therefore indispensable to develop a sound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth together with strategies and options for action to understand natural hazards and to minimize associated risks, to address global change and its regional impacts, as well as to assess the human impact on System Earth.
A new chapter for stakeholders in science, economy and governance has been opened by the European Union through the start of the Copernicus programme. As the first set of sentinels is already in orbit and delivers vast amounts of valuable Earth observation data from space, observatories and in situ measurements are augmenting the data assets with direct accessibility for the sake of scientists and public service. Necessary architectures are stepwise developing and the vision of a ”European Open Science Cloud” is taking shape. Sensor platform data is already freely available and offers vast opportunities to research organisations, public or private institutions and at the same time for the software developing community.

Showers prediction by WRF model above complex terrain
Presenter: Dr. Teimuraz Davitashvili, Tbilisi State University / I.Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, Georgia

As known the global weather prediction models can well characterize the large scale atmospheric systems, but not enough the mesoscale processes which are associated with regional complex terrain and land cover. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 3.7 represents a good opportunity for studding regional and mesoscale atmospheric processes such are: Regional Climate, Extreme Precipitations, Hails, Sensitivity of WRF to physics options etc. In this study, WRF is using for prediction heavy showers and hails for different set of physical options in the regions characterized with the complex topography on the territory of Georgia.
To achieve the specified goal, we have configured the WRF v.3.7 nested grid, wet model on the GRENA’s cluster which gave a good opportunity for running model on larger number of CPUs and storing large amount of data on the grid storage elements. Simulations were performed using a set of 2 domains where the coarser domain had a grid of 94x102 points which covers the South Caucasus region, while the nested inner domain has a grid size of 70x70 points mainly territory of Georgia. Both used the 51 vertical levels. We have studied some particulate cases of dangerous unexpected heavy showers which have taken place on the territory of Georgia and were accompanied with damage results. Some results of numerical calculations are presented.

Quantum-chemical study of the proton transfer in some chemical and biochemical reaction
Presenter: Dr. Jumber Kereselidze, Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Our research group has been researching a quantitative description of proton transfer in some chemical and biochemical reactions, by means of modern quantum-chemical method - density functional theory (DFT).