Session 3 "eHealth"
Session Chair
Peter Bogatencov (RENAM)
The role of e-infrastructure for personalized medicine research
Presenter: Michal Kosiedowski ,Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), Poland

The emergence of novel information and communication technologies facilitated digitization of information collection and exchange. In healthcare this resulted in the creation of big amounts of patient-centered data. Moreover, advanced mobile, wearable, smart home and robotics technologies enabled the healthcare to enter patients’ everyday lives. Hence the vision of the personalized medicine, in which the evidence-based medicine is extended with treating each patient and each disease instance as an individual case, does not seem unrealistic. However, practical implementation of this vision still requires a lot of effort from the scientific community. It stands for the grand challenge of today’s research in medicine, tackling of which requires cooperation of healthcare and ICT experts. Such cooperation cannot, however, happen without mobilization of adequate infrastructure resources. In Poland, the continuous development of scientific e-infrastructure over the recent years allowed the scientific community to effectively undertake multidisciplinary and intersectoral e-medicine research and development. In the talk I will present the impact of the research e-infrastructure on the progress of personalized medicine research in Poland. It will be illustrated with examples of e-health research and development conducted at Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

Prospects of the "DICOM Network"
Presenter: Mihail Matsenco, Institute of Emergency Medicine, Residency in Orthopedy-Traumatology, Moldova
This presentation will give an overview about the prospects of the DICOM Network, an informational system for medical imagistic development by using networking and computing infrastructures and services provided by NRENs.