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Kim Serradell Maronda

Computational Earth Sciences Group Manager,  Barcelona Supercomputing Center BSC-CNS (Barcelona, Spain)

Kim Serradell Maronda (Msc.) is currently managing the Computational Earth Sciences group in the Earth Sciences department at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). In the last years, he has been in charge for the system administration of all the computational resources of the department and he was also responsible of supervising the operational runs of the NMMB/BSC-CTM model and CALIOPE Air Quality System at BSC. In that sense, he was also involved in the analysis of the models to improve their performance and developed strong skills of compilation and scripting. Furthermore, he's focused in deploying different earth system models (dust transport, climate or weather forecast) required by the department in a wide range of HPC architectures. He succeeds porting different these models in next HPC architectures like Montblanc cluster (ARM Based). He applied with success these skills in projects like IS-ENES (1 & 2), SDS-WAS or ESiWACE.

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