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Session 2 - Panel discussion 
"Building Belarus IT through Innovation: Challenges and Perspectives"
Session Chair: Alexei Belotserkovsky  (UIIP - BASNET)


Objective of the panel is to develop a strategy for taking collaborations between Belarusian and European partners to a new level, especially in view of the newly adopted state agenda for IT Belarus .


The discussion is set on a very ambitious goal: to outline the path to innovation and partnership in the Belarusian strategical sectors: Science, Education and Technology.


The discussion will touch upon current challenges, highlight success stories, explore the adoptable best practices of scaling up and commercialising innovative approaches and take a look at the most sensitive areas in collaborations between European and Belarusian partners.

Natalia Ovsyanko (Academy of Public Administration, Belarus)

Alexander Tuzikov (Director General, UIIP NASB / BASNET, Belarus)

Artur Binczewski ((Head of Network Division, PSNC, Poland)
Helena Zhivitskaya (Vice-Rector of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Belarus)
Uladimir Anishchanka (Vice-DG, Softclub, S&T INFOPARK Association, Belarus)
Kristina Lillemets (Director EENet, Estonia)

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