8:30 // Registration, Coffee & Mingling
9:30 // Opening "Welcome to EaPEC'17"
10:00 // Keynote "The European Eastern Partnership"
10:15 // Session 1: "Setting the Scene"
11:00 // Coffee Break
11:30 // Session 2: Panel "e-Science & Innovation"
12:30 // Lunch
13:30 // Session 3: Keynote "The Human Brain Project"
14:30 // Short Break
14:40 // Session 4: e-Infrastructures for Open Science
15:40 // Coffee Break
16:00 // Session 5: e-Infrastructure Challenges
17:00 // End of Day 1
Evening // Social Event (By Invitation Only)
8:30 // Coffee & Mingling
9:00 // Session 6: Keynote "Internet Freedom"
9:30 // Session 7: Lightning Talks
10:30 // Coffee Break
10:45 // Session 8: Projects & Showcases
12:00 // Lunch
13:00 // Session 9: EYR Award Ceremony
14:00 // Session 10: Workshops
16:00 // Coffee Break
16:20 // Session 11: Wrap up & Closing
17:00 // End of Day 2