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Tatyana Lyadnova

H2020 ICT NCP, Research Infrastructure NCP, Belarus

Dr Tatyana Lyadnova, Ph.D., is the Corresponding Member of the Belarusian Engineering Academy. She was graduated from the Belarusian State University in Minsk, and Moscow State University in mathematics and economics. She was a Belarusian representative to the Nord-Trondelag County Administration (Norway), led the Norwegian representative office in Minsk, being responsible for the creation of different kind of co-operation, including RTD. Starting a work in the Executive Secretariat of the NIS (ES CIS) from 1995, she was a counterpart for the co-ordinator of the European Commission (EC) TACIS project (1995-1997) for the ES NIS.


Tatyana gained experience and knowledge working with NIS countries within the sphere of information space, participating in the development of different documents, in organizing of numerous meetings of experts and high level officials. She was included in the Policy Group of the G8 Pilot project "Global Marketplace for SMEs", was an observer at the G8-GIP ("Global Inventory Project") Steering Committee. She participated in the development and implementation of the project "ESPRIT RTD Focal Point"(1997-2000), in Idealist-East project. She participated in TRISTAN-EAST and NIS-NEST projects. She was an active member of the Idealist34, Idealist7fp projects, participated in Idealist2011, being a Regional Representative for EECA region within the consortium.

Tatyana actively worked in SCUBE-ICT and EXTEND projects as WP and task leader. She was involved in Idealist2014 as regional representative and task leader, as well as in PICTURE project. She is an ICT NCP in Belarus for H2020 and Research Infrastructure NCP, EuroRisNet+ project. She was a partner and WP Leader in two new EECA projects: EAST-HORIZON and EECA-2-HORIZON. Tatyana was involved in Idealist2018 project.

Today, Tatyana is the Head of the International RTDI Cooperation Department in BELISA, and Research Coordinator of several national studies.

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